I Bought a Car

Published on: April 1, 2019

Hey everybody I just wanted to let you know that I bought an almost new Porsche Panamera. It was a little expensive, but its ok, I work harder than most people so I deserve it!!

I have never felt leather so soft or so fragrant. It does not just have new car smell, but it smells like you are in a little bit of a trance and floating in heaven.costa rica, frugal, real estate

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My wife Gloria and I will be driving it down to Costa Rica where we will be relocating by the end of the year. We have sold everything and already purchased a couple of condos on the beach. One to live in and 2 to rent out.

You have to have goals and keep track of your wins and losses. Work hard and you can get there like me and my wife.

If you havent guessed, this is an April Fools post.

This is a Frugal Real Estate Guy. I dont buy really cool cars. My wife and I try to spend less so that we have to work less without having to be cheap(big difference).

This is actually a friend’s car. He and his wife make a bunch of money, so they can afford it. I am happy for them and I was glad just to be able to sit in the car. I have to say that I did kinda feel in a little bit of a trance when I sat in there. VERY NICE CAR!!

My wife and I dont make that kind of money, and thats ok. We enjoy our lives. I am ok with my Honda CR-V. We have spent plenty of money for the remodeling of our new house. That has kinda been our thing. We try to have a nice house with plenty of equity.

I like to find the houses and she loves to decorate them. This has worked pretty good for us so it kinda does not even seem like work. They say that it is not really work if you enjoy it. I guess that means that we dont work anymore!!

If you have something that you want to spend plenty of money on, go for it. Enjoy life!!

I told my friend that I will have a Panamera. I dont know exactly when, but I will have one some day. Gotta have goals, right?! That is definitely one of mine.

I hope that I fooled you at the beginning of the post. If I did, please let me know in the comments. Enjoy your April 1st.


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