learn how to invest in real estate.(live training on deeds, deeds of trusts, distressed sellers, deals and how to find them) 


Value of over $500

What you will get

  • check-circleGet real deals done: Learn the right way to find deals and get them closed on your own.
  • check-circleLearn the details no one tells you:  Tons of specific details you need to know to get started.
  • check-circle15+ years of experience: Benefit from 15+ years of experience delivered to you so you can be successful in real estate. 

Why is everyone making money in real estate but you?

Sometimes it seems that everyone is making tons of money in real estate but you are the only one who can’t get any deals at all or maybe you feel frustrated because you don’t even know how to start.

Let me tell you that while many people are talking about the wonderful gains real estate can produce for you, very few are really doing it.

But don’t worry, this is just like any other business and I’m here to teach you how to do it.

There are tons of ways to invest in real estate, but first we are going to teach you the mind set you must have in order to overcome the obstacles you may encounter in your journey. After that I’m going to show you the different ways you can invest in Real Estate. You will receive fifteen years of experience directly into your brain to help you take action immediately.

If you’ve ever said to yourself “I know real estate is good, but how the heck do I start?” or “hmmm if I only had the money I would do it.” You are in the right place. Please don’t let those limiting beliefs sabotage your future. I’m here to teach you the right way to be successful in Real Estate. 

If you don’t like how things are, change it! You’re not a tree.” – jim rohn

Formal education will make you a living; self-education will make you a fortune.” – Jim Rohn

The world doesn’t have to change for you to succeed in real estate, you have to.

Every decision shapes your life and this could be one of those.

By joining us you’ll get the following benefits:

​knowledge from the expert

No Up-sells, no gimmicks. only real education from the man who has lived it first hand.


Hang out with real investors who can help you out to get started.

Actionable steps 

Theory isn’t all you need! actionable information will change your life and we’ll provide it to you.

you have the power to change your life if you have the right tools

“Don’t say, ‘If I could, I would.’  Say, ‘If I can, I will.” – jim rohn

Small changes in your daily actions can change your life drastically if done consistently even when you don’t see quick results. Believe me when I say that if you keep looking for deals you will find one and that one deal will be the start of your new life.

Remember that you are not alone. Real Estate is a Team Sport. The question is:

do you want to join?

if so, HERE IS What rick pozos Does for You:


teach you how to invest in DISTRESSED HOMES

“Get Paid By helping people who are in trouble and behind on their mortgage payments”

What if you could have the power to help people who are losing their home? What if you could pay their mortgage and at the same time YOU get paid for doing so? Also giving them the opportunity to keep their home and save them from destroying their credit? You would be a super hero! And that’s exactly what Rick Pozos will teach you.

learn how to find deals

The big and beautiful houses are not the good deals. Those are the houses of your dreams.

The old, ugly, and nasty properties are most often the right deals.

It all comes down to the math when figuring it out if a property is a deal or not. 

  • rick is going to show you how to determine on your own if a property is a deal.
  • Once you have a deal. now what? We’ll show what to do Next.

experienced   GUIDANCE in every step & More

As you already know, Real Estate is a team sport – so you won’t be alone. Everything you need to know Rick Pozos is going to have the right answer for you.

You can walk confidently.

attend A CLASS SOON!! 




$199 PER PERSON for an information packed day learning about real estate investing.


talk personally with rick pozos!

Attend the Live Class Here in San Antonio TX and Meet with Rick

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Summary of What You’ll Get…

  • check-circleReal Estate Training From Rick Pozos.
  • check-circleLearn how to invest in Pre-Foreclosures, Vacants and more.
  • check-circleLearn to use the county clerk’s office
  • check-circlelearn how to find the right deals.

All this for just:

Sign up OR CALL  for the early bird special


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Talk Face to Face with a Successful Real Estate Investor

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“if you are not satisfied with the information provided in the class you’ll get a refund”